
Showing posts from January, 2024

Precision Nutrigeroscience: Nutrition for Longevity and Brain Health

The pursuit of extended lifespan and improved health requires a deep understanding of the complex interplay between our diet and unique biological factors.  This is where precision nutrigeroscience emerges as a transformative approach, leveraging the power of biomarker identification and analysis to tailor dietary interventions. It embraces the diversity of human physiology, acknowledging that what works for one may not work for another, especially when it comes to nutrition. The varying impact of carbohydrates and fats on mortality is a testament to this complexity. Meat intake is linked to higher life expectancies, but the impact of carbohydrates and fats varies among individuals. While some thrive on higher carbohydrate diets, others may benefit from reduced carb intake. Similarly, the type of fats consumed (animal vs. plant-based) plays a significant role in health outcomes. The goal of precision nutrigeroscience is to decipher these individual needs and craft dietary recommend...