
Showing posts from February, 2023

Neuropathological Features of Age-Related Brain Diseases

As we age, the structure and function of our brains can change, which may contribute to cognitive decline.  Analysis of donated brains  from 100 centenarians and 297 nonagenarians from the 90+ Study , allowed to compare the prevalence of 10 neuropathological changes related to dementia and cognitive performance. The figure graphically represents the prevalence of the individual dichotomized neuropathological changes in nonagenarians and centenarians. Compared with nonagenarians, centenarians had equal or slightly higher but not significant prevalence of all 10 individual neuropathological changes except large infarcts. Panel B shows the prevalence of the 10 neuropathological changes in centenarians and nonagenarians  and the odds of dementia associated with these changes. Among centenarians, the most common neuropathological change was arteriolosclerosis (88%), followed by ADNC ( Alzheimer's disease neuropathological change:  75%) and ARTAG ( Age-related tau astrogli...